As I have been working on our computer this morning, it would seem that it is just about on its last breath, wheezing and groaning and moving very slow. I am trying to back up our files just in case it dies one of these days. Even though it is only 4 years old, in computer years this is apparently ancient. We have done what we could to prolong its life, adding memory, a new battery, etc, but it seems to be on the way out. I am hoping it lasts awhile longer, as getting a new computer involves so much - money, time adjusting to a new computer and probably a new program.
Thankfully, God isn't like that. His word is alive and will live forever.
"For the Word of God is living and active." Hebrews 4:12 The Word also tells us that,
"All scripture is God-breathed..." As Beth Moore writes in "Voices of the Faithful", "...we might say that every breath comes to us still warm from the mouth of God. As if He just said it." Imagine this! I get very excited thinking about this, and even more so every time I read in the first chapter of the Book of John:
"In the beginning was the Word, (Jesus), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning."..."The Word became flesh, and made His dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth" (John 1:1, 2 and 14)
I have long admired Ruth Graham, who went home to Jesus in 2007. A poem she wrote expresses the very nature of God, unchanging and eternal:
A poem by Ruth Bell Graham
Above the clouds
thick, boiling, low,
appear the peaks
she came to know
as Father, Son,
and Holy Ghost.
Often when she
sought them most,
they would be hid,
in clouds, from view.
Distraught by cares,
she always knew,
silent, unseen,
they still were there
like God Himself—
unchanged, serene;
and knowing this,
she gathered strength
for each day’s journey
—length by length.
It is very windy outside today; the leaves are blowing every which way in the street, and dust hides the mountains in the distance. But they are there, just as Ruth Bell wrote about the peaks in this poem. God Himself is always there, unchanging, and His Word is the one thing in this ever-changing world that is constant. Each time we read His Word, God speaks to us, His words "still if He just said it."