11 hours ago
Friday, July 25, 2014
Broken Clay Pots
The Everyday Word: Broken Clay Pots: Yesterday was very hot and very windy. Our patio is exposed to the west, and the wind usually comes from the northwest. We get a lot of...
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
A Blue-Eyes Morning
We love having our four grandchildren over at the same time, and they love being together.
This morning, all 4 came over and we had a blast. There are very few moments of stillness when they get together,
and getting a photo of them all is a bit tricky.
They all piled on our bed and the giggling and wiggling commenced,
and I wondered how I was going to get them to all smile and cooperate.
Then, it hit me.
Fishy crackers,
or more formally know as Pepperidge Farm Goldfish.
And we have the rainbow colors, even more incentive.
All it took was to mention that anyone who sits still and smiles sweetly gets
Fishy crackers when we were done and I was able to capture this moment.
Eli (6), Ben (2), Jack (10) and Maya (6)
We couldn't resist doing a "make a funny face" photo, too.
Then they were off to the pantry to get their reward.
I am so aware that we have not always had them all living close to us, and it brings me such joy to have them here now.
My cup runneth over.
God's goodness,
Monday, July 14, 2014
Thankful for Simple Pleasures
On this Monday,
this sunny, not-too-hot Monday,
I have been puttering in the yard...
and puttering on social media...
and enjoying some time with Lucy on the patio...
May your Monday have some time to relax and to be thankful
for the simple pleasures.
Eucharisteo* always, always precedes the miracle.
*Eucharisteo ~ grace, thanksgiving, joy ~ from the book "One thousand Gifts" by Ann Voskamp
Eucharisteo sign is from Red Letter Words
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