Monday, May 24, 2010

Puddle Jumping, Potty Training & a PSA

We are having a wonderful rainy day here. Usually our rains do not last all day, but this must have started last night and has been falling all day, just a fine, gentle rain. Even though it is quite chilly (46 degrees) I am loving this rain and I know the farmers are loving this rain. Things are growing in our yard finally, and when the temperatures warm up later this week, we may, perhaps, see the peonies bloom along with the Lady's Mantle. They always look so good together!

There must have been a connection with the rain and the 2 toddlers in our lives. I stopped to visit Maya after an appointment, and she was running around with her big girl panties on with the hope that she would use the potty. She had used it before I got there and has used it successfully quite a few times before. After leaving her house, I stopped by for a visit with Eli and Jack on my way home, and Eli was running around in a diaper for the same reason. He, too, has had some success and so he was giving it a try today. He was also watching Sesame Street's Elmo's Potty Time...

Now, before you judge :) this is a fun video to watch and you will even see how toilet paper is made!

While we are on the subject, here is a favorite book of Maya's:

A Potty for Me! by Karen Katz

So, if you are not a mom trying to potty train your little one or a doting grandmother who writes about such things, you are probably bored or ready to move on to another blog. But just so you know that I am not just thinking about potty training, here is a public service announcement a blog friend recently shared that you might like...


Karen said...

As a mom and grandmom...I can relate to the thrill(?) of potty training...

I have seen that video is an awesome way to get the message across!

partialemptynester said...

lol, potty-training is one of the biggest reasons my daughter wants to have children, can you believe? She is very nurturing and has absolutely delighted in helping her nephews become potty-trained...not one of the highlights of my parenting, but this post does take me back to "the good ol' days", lol!!

Maxine said...

Not bored at all! We have recently been going through the same thing. What fun, huh? And isn't it such a treat to be able to stop by on the same day to see ALL your grandchildren. I can only imagine how thankful you are, Nana!