Saturday, March 26, 2011

Happy Birthday, E-L-I !

March 22nd was Eli's third birthday, and when asked what he wanted for his birthday, he said, "Gum."
Yep, just gum.

No matter what else was suggested, he "stuck" (pun intended) with his answer.
It eventually turned into, "Gum cake."

So his mom, Erin, rose to the occasion and found bubble gum flavoring, and on his birthday we made a yellow cake and added the gum flavoring. It was, shall we say, different, but it did taste like gum, and he loved it.
All of the kids loved it.
Eli and Maya helped decorate it with gumballs, and he was rather pleased with it all.

Thank you, Father, for blessing us all
with this precious little boy, Eli Lawrence Dailey.
His bright blue eyes always have a twinkle
to go with his mischievous grin,
and his sweet hugs and kisses are worth the chase.
He loves to spell his name: E-L-I, and

He loves and follows after Jack, a worthy Big Brother.
He loves to sing, "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star,"
and he prays every day for his Grandmamma
and Happy Pappy, who live far away.
He loves his mommy and daddy so very much.
We thank you for them and for their patience
and love for this sweet little boy,
who now tells us he is a "Big Boy!"

Happy 3rd Birthday,
Eli Lawrence Dailey!!

A boy is trust with dirt on it's face,
beauty with a cut on it's finger,
wisdom with bubble gum in it's hair,
 and the hope of the future with a frog in it's pocket.

A boy is the only thing God can use to make a man.
Boys are God's way of telling you that your house is too neat!
son (sun) n. [ME ] 1. a collector of treasures and heroes
2. a source of found objects in laundry (e.g., rocks, twigs, etc.)
3. his father's pride and his mother's heart. 
SYN.-an adventure (ad ven'cher)

(the above quotes were each labelled author unknown)


GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Happy 3rd Birthday, dear Eli! I know you bring such joy to your family!

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

How darling Eli is, what a blessing from God!

Looks like he enjoyed his Birthday
Thanks for sharing,

Maxine said...

Laurie, this was such a sweet post. Made me a bit teary. (Seems to happen to me a lot these days.) So thankful along with you for God's blessings of grandchildren. Cute quotes and your prayer was oh so loving. God bless him richly, your little Eli.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful post, Laurie! He is adorable and the pictures were just darling. I loved the little poem. Did you write that? It's perfect and the definition at the end....lovely.:) Thanks so much for sharing your grandson with us!